Sunday, August 24, 2008

First post!

So it's a little after midnight and I finally gave in...I set up a blog. I figured this would be the best way to let folks know what I'll be up to this upcoming week at the DNC Convention. If you haven't heard, I was elected by democratic voters in Congressional District 9 (Congresswoman Barbara Lee's district) to be a pledged Obama delegate. For some background, you can check out

I'm going to finish up some last minute packing and will head out tomorrow morning at 7am for Denver. I'll do my best to keep this updated throughout the week :)

Thank you again to all of the wonderful people that have supported me and given me this amazing opportunity!!


Amy said...

Congrats!! I had no idea! Give Obama our full support!!

Unknown said...

Hello my Niece Jenn,
Hope you have a great time in Denver!
Aunt Karen

9500 Liberty said...

I love and admire what you're doing. Thanks for creating this blog so I can follow along, Jenn! Hope you document some of it on video as well. That would be super. Have a great time in Denver! Annabel

Emily said...

Whooo hooo! Do your thing Jenn Pae! Give Obama our love!

su_rn said...

I'm so proud of you!

MP said...

Have fun out there- no matter what, its gonna be a historic occasion. looking forward to the inside scoop from the convention, so keep us updated. Peace, MPerla