Saturday, August 30, 2008

One last thing…please donate

One last thing, I was also financially supported by some great friends and family, but I’m still short of reaching the total cost of the trip. It was roughly $2,000. If you’re able to, please donate online using PayPal or let me know and I will give you a home address. Thank you again for all of the support and keeping up with this blog, this has been amazing opportunity. I look forward to keeping in touch with each of you throughout the campaign so we can win November 4th and beyond!

My Last Post

While I was sitting at the Denver airport yesterday, I had a very interesting group conversation about why we support Senator Obama. I wanted to share with you why I support his candidacy and why I joined the campaign.

As a student organizer, trainer, and progressive advocate, I felt compelled to use everything I had, from my personal and professional experiences, to do something about the current state we are in. My generation has played an integral role in Senator Obama’s candidacy and I am thrilled to be playing a part in it. We have grown up in a time when our nation is at war, we do not have adequate health care, we are destroying our planet, our education system is in crisis, our immigration system is broken, and our jobs and the economy is in a mess - our government is not working for us.

There’s a lot at stake and I don’t expect all of these issues will be solved immediately, but I do expect our president to lead this country in the right direction.

As a young woman and a daughter of Korean immigrants, I could not sit idly by and let the next 25 years of my life continue down this course. In this critical time, we need a strong and compassionate president that will bring our country together to lead on the most pressing issues facing us today. This is why I joined the campaign and this is why everyone I know needs to as well.

It was definitely clear at this year’s Democratic Convention and it is reflective in Senator Obama’s grassroots campaign, that it’s supported by the people - diverse people - from all backgrounds inclusive of various ages, races, classes, genders, and sexual orientations. He has the ability to bring this country together. This is the type of movement and candidate I'm thrilled to support. For the first time, this is why I have ever contributed money to a political candidate. This is why I volunteer my time. This is why I am now proud to be a Democrat. And, this is why I have made a commitment to ensure that Senator Obama wins this election.

As Obama has said time and time before, this election is not about him, it’s about us. We must take an active role in this year’s election and beyond to ensure that our fundamental rights are protected and the nation’s most pressing issues are resolved. I hope you will join me in making this happen.

A former U.S. Student Association alumnus once said, “We should all use our time, talents, and treasure wisely.” It should be reflected in our values and what we want to accomplish in our lives. I hope you will join me in the campaign, visit and sign-up, donate, and volunteer.

I wish I could thank each and every person who has supported me in this incredible journey. You have all been my inspiration in doing this work and why I continually feel honored and privileged to be able to. Now…let’s go change the world!

Friday, August 29, 2008

we experienced history in the making

August 28, 1963 - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivers the "I Have A Dream" during the March on Washington at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.

45 years later, Senator Barack Obama accepts the Democratic nomination for President at INVESCO Field at Mile High Stadium in Denver, C.O.

We have experienced history in the making.

Korean Ajumma for Obama bag info

On one of the first days in Denver, I met a woman who had an "Ajumma (아줌마) for Obama" bag, here's the link for other items:

Please support, all sales profit is donated to the Obama campaign.

interview with Ruby

I had mentioned an interview I did with Ruby Reid and Toshi Hoo from the East Bay Obama office on Wednesday, here's the clip:

Even celebrities @ the airport

Yup, that's Anderson Cooper. After sitting in front of him for the past week at the Convention (the CNN stage was right in front of the CA delegation), it was kinda neat seeing him again at the airport. Just like the rest of us, in casual clothes and dealing with airport security.

It just so happened that the Black Eyed Peas were also in front of me in the security line as well. They put on a great show last night. They even talked about it on our shuttle ride to our terminal. They're awesome.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fired up! Ready to go!

That was absolutely amazing. I'm inspired, energized, and fired up, ready to go!

If you can imagine, we are now in a massive crowd of people. We need to get on a shuttle to get back to the hotel and I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. It's pretty chaotic but I'm in good company and I feel great :)

off to INVESCO

I wish my phone's battery would last longer. I'm using it so often here, the battery keeps running out...I hope it lasts for tonight so I can keep y'all updated! Off to INVESCO!!!

CA Delegation Gala and Dolores Huerta

I think the best party I've been to so far, was the CA Delegation Gala last night at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. There was an open bar, great food, two dance floors with a live band and a DJ. The best part - we were in a museum.

Dolores Huerta, co-founder and First Vice President Emeritus of the United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UFW) even danced it up on the floor with us. Ashley Thomas, Ana Grande, and I got to take a picture with her. So fun!

yay to all of the young people!

I realize the following press release is from Sunday, but I thought I'd post to let y'all know about all of the young people that have been involved in the delegate selection process. Turns out there are 49 of us under 30 at this year's convention! That means there are more of us than some of the state delegations combined.

The photo on the right is from Monday's delegation breakfast. Crystal Strait, board member for the Young Democrats of America and California superdelegate, is talking to us.

California Young Democrats
For Immediate Release: Sunday, April 13, 2008


The California Young Democrats (CYD) turned out to vote in droves today to support their candidates of choice to represent them in Denver at the Democratic National Convention, August 25-28, 2008. Over 300 California Young Democrats campaigned to be selected as delegates. While the California Democratic Party has not issued official results, we're reporting that dozens of California Young Democrats were chosen to represent their Congressional Districts around the state.

"I'm extremely fortunate that I'll have the opportunity to be a committed Obama delegate," said Taylor Honrath, a 22-year old from Orange County who won an Obama delegate seat in Congressional District 46 against 30 other male candidates. "Barack Obama is an inspiring figure for people from all age groups and backgrounds and I'm really excited that I'll get to be a delegate voting for the next President of the United States." Honrath continued, "Without the support of my friends and family my victory would not have been possible." Honrath was one of the 900 purged and then reinstated Obama delegate candidates.

"I am extremely proud and honored to be one of many young democrats across the state to be elected as a Clinton delegate to the Convention. Running for delegate was an amazingly strenuous, but fun, process," said Paula Villescaz, a 19-year old from Sacramento who is a student at the University of California, Berkeley and campaigned for Hillary in New Hampshire, Texas and California. "Across the state and country I met thousands of young people excited about Hillary. In Denver I won't just be representing Californians, but those young people everywhere that really believe in Hillary Clinton."

"We're very happy that all of the young activists in California were given the opportunity to run for delegate seats to the Denver Convention," said Rocky Fernandez, President of the California Young Democrats. "This is the year of the young voter, and we're showing that young people are the margin of victory for Democrats and that these newly engaged young activists have brought their friends and family into active participation in Democratic Party politics."

CYD urged many of its members to get active on the presidential campaigns, and lobbied the state Party to set an ambitious 10% youth goal for its delegation. This is the highest state goal in the nation and it looks like that goal was met and exceeded today.


***Young Democrats from all parts of California were elected to be delegates and alternates to the DNC Convention. To arrange an interview contact Claire Conlon, cconlon@youngdems.o

The California Young Democr
ats is the official youth arm of the California Democratic Party, comprised of progressive people ages 14-35. The California Young Democrats are committed to creating a bloc of young voters who will elect Democrats for an entire generation. Using proven Peer to Peer campaign methods, Young Democrats have made significant differences in races all over California. Young Democrats in California work everyday to promote social justice, women's rights, peace and stability in the world, and many other progressive values.

oh all the celebrities

That's Susan Sarandon to the left. I don't really get star struck all that much, but there are a lot of well known people out here. From elected officials to tv personalities to movie stars, the Democrats sure know how to bring them out.

I just saw Jennifer Gardner and Ben Afleck yesterday too, they were great :)

Car is covered with Obama bumper stickers

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Really tight security

I came out of the Pepsi Center and the outer perimeter to be interviewed by Ruby from the East Bay Obama office. The security is intense! It took forever, but I guess that's a good thing, we are safe inside. She also asked some really great questions, we totally teared up.

I feel truly lucky to have a delegate credential, it really is priceless.

So while I was typing this, I was just on awkward...haha

Women in Congress

This is a photo of the democratic women in the U.S. House of Representatives. We have come a long way. This year's convention has a majority of women delegates and I am proud to be one of them.


I don't think I have the words to describe what just happened...we, as democrats, have come together to support the next President of the United States, Senator Barack Obama :)

If you didn't get a chance to see it, the roll call vote was yielded from New Mexico to Illinois to New York. Senator Clinton appeared and moved to suspend the rules and call for an acclimation...the Pepsi Center went crazy!! What an amazing experience...more updates to come...

By acclimation

An amazing feeling!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Senator Hillary Clinton

I can see Anderson Cooper & Pres Clinton

I can see Anderson Cooper and the CNN team in front of me and behind me in the upper section is President Clinton...kinda cool :)

Met the Gov of Arkansas

I was getting some food and struck up a conversation with the gentlemen ahead of me...turns out it was the Governor

What happened on Monday?

What a packed day! I was practically running around place to place so that I could attend all of the events I wanted to....clearly, there's not enough time in the day. But then again, I don't know if it would be a good thing if the days were any longer than they already are, I'm exhausted

The ethnic caucuses were today, so I was able to go to the Asian American Caucus at te Convention Center. There were many elected officials that came by and the one leading the charge is Congressman Mike Honda (CA 15th District - Silicon Valley area). The picture to the left are all of the Asian American elected officials that attended the caucus.

As you can see from the photos below, it was the first night of the convention proceedings! We took shuttle rides out to the Pepsi Center and I was absolutely mesmerized by the arena. My photos just can't seem to capture all of the details, the technology and visual effects were unbelievable. There were so many recognizable people in the hallways too. From walking by many elected officials, like Senator Kucinich, Kerry, and Congressman Miller to tv and radio personalities, they were everywhere. I guess it's not that big of a deal though, they are everyday people after all.

As far as the parties go, there were many to choose from. We actually missed the first two because it took awhile to get back to the hotel after the convention proceedings and I wanted to rest a bit. We made it out to David Axelrod's party and that was definitely fun. A bunch of us needed food since we didn't have time to eat and ended up at a place that was closing down, but they kept it open for us and we took over the top floor. It was pretty neat.

Ok, the CA delegation breakfast is over now. But before I go, I wanted to let y'all know that today is the anniversary of women's suffrage. On August 26, 1920, women were granted the right to vote with the passage of the 19th amendment. There was a photo taken this morning of all of the women elected officials, this is a monumental day! Now I'm on my way to the womens' caucus :)

Time to go to sleep

Yup, I'm finally going to go to sleep...I'll give a more thorough overview of the day in the morning at the CA delegation breakfast. Hope everyone had a great night!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Michelle Obama

Senator Kennedy

Speaker Pelosi

Have to find time to blog...

The day is more than half way done and I haven't had a chance to blog until now. I'm on the shuttle to the Pepsi Center to sit through the first day of convention proceedings and even though I'm already exhausted, I'm super excited!

This morning's delegation meeting was a great way to start the day. We had all sorts of elected officials join us and I have to say, after hearing and seeing everyone at the breakfast, I am a proud member of the CA delegation. There were numerous references to diversity throughout the morning - we are the largest and most diverse delegation and we have the most diverse congressional representation. Even with such huge strides, I believe we still have more work to do. I look forward to the day when there are more young people and people of color that are not only taking an active role in the political process, but that they are also involved in the leadership and decision making.

I'm now inside and just saw kucinich and updates to come!

what a day...

so I don't even know where to begin...once I landed in Denver, everything kinda happened really fast. Once we got to the hotel, we checked in and registered and I got two big bags - one from the Democratic National Committee and one from the California Democratic Party. I actually haven't been able to go through everything, but apparently there's a bunch of free stuff, including mac & cheese shaped in elephants.

Then we went to the Asian American Pacific Islander Summit at the Colorado Convention Center. It was such a great reunion! Frank Aum was kind enough to help arrange the Korean American media and I learned that I'm the only Korean delegate from California...out of about 343 delegates, I'm the only one. I'm both kinda sad and really proud that I've had the opportunity to be here representing my community. I met a woman with a really great bag today too, take a look at the photo.

Then, we went to two parties tonight. Chairman Howard Dean's "Friends of New Orleans" All Delegate Celebration. We got a bunch of tickets so we could share them with our friends here in Denver, that was quite the escapade. The parties were great - great food, great music, great friends :)

oh yeah, I was really fortunate because Rebecca Prozan (CD 8 delegate) gave us the "in" to take a photo with Speaker Nancy Pelosi too.

definitely time to sleep...I'm wiped out, on to the next day!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

video clip with Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Brian Wang (CA CD8 Delegate) filmed this clip on the first night of the Convention at the "Friends of New Orleans" DNCC Welcome Party at the Colorado Convention Center.

Check out Ohana Obama for more

I'm in Denver!

I couldn't help but smile and start up conversations with all sorts of people at the Denver airport. Along with all of the CA folks on my flight, I met a family from VA and a woman from we are on our way to the Sheraton Denver Hotel before we head out to the AAPI Summit. It's definitely a lot hotter here than the bay, I'm gonna need to change...

@ the airport

I really do love free wireless :)

I figured I would meet a few people on my flight that would be heading to Denver for the convention, little did I know that it would actually be a lot of people. We had a great conversation over breakfast and now it's time to board the plane!

Testing out the cell phone

I really should be goin to sleep now...

First post!

So it's a little after midnight and I finally gave in...I set up a blog. I figured this would be the best way to let folks know what I'll be up to this upcoming week at the DNC Convention. If you haven't heard, I was elected by democratic voters in Congressional District 9 (Congresswoman Barbara Lee's district) to be a pledged Obama delegate. For some background, you can check out

I'm going to finish up some last minute packing and will head out tomorrow morning at 7am for Denver. I'll do my best to keep this updated throughout the week :)

Thank you again to all of the wonderful people that have supported me and given me this amazing opportunity!!